Sydney Alliance Assembly 28th February 2023

Sydney Alliance Election Assembly
Sydney Alliance Election Assembly

Suprovat Sydney Report: The Sydney Alliance Election Assembly is a rare opportunity to pressure and persuade NSW politicians to act on the common good agenda of united civil society. It includes Alliance roll call of organisations, testimonies, putting the case, and asking politicians of all parties to make commitments to act on the issues affecting our people: Cost-of-living, climate change, affordable and renewable energy, affordable and social housing, and fair renting reforms (including removing no-grounds eviction and climate-proofing rental properties).

Confirmed attendance:

NSW Treasurer Matt Kean (LIB)

Shadow Treasurer Daniel Mookhey (ALP)

& representatives of the cross-bench.


Tuesday evening February 28th

Arrival: between 5:30pm-6:15pm. The formal Assembly will run 6:15pm-8:15pm (this includes all assembly briefing 6:15pm-6:45pm)


Morley Centre, 2 Darcy Road, Westmead. The Morley Centre is a Catholic school hall across the road from Westmead Private Hospital. The venue is wheelchair accessible and fits 1900 people. The Alliance partners have committed to 500-800 participants. Westmead is on the border of two ‘marginal electorates’ and there will be strong participation from the local area.


Who should attend?

Everyone is welcome. Organisations will be organising large delegations to participate. Individuals are welcome too.  While we are encouraging majority participation from Western Sydney – all Alliance members are asked  We are all in this together!

What is at stake at this assembly?

*Securing issue commitments from politicians on all sides.

*Commitment to build 5000+ affordable and social homes per year

*Commitment to access to affordable renewable energy, energy audits and appliance swaps for low- and moderate-income households.

*Ending no-grounds eviction in NSW

*Commitment to measures to climate-proof for Western Sydney

*Commitment to climate-proofing homes (particularly rentals) across NSW, but particularly Western Sydney.

*Demonstrating the unity and cooperation of civil society and securing commitments from would-be government to work together on wicked problems during the next term of government.

Why is it important for me to be there? (and organise my colleagues and friends to come?)


Demonstrate to politicians why they should act on the issues that affect us all.

Support those people sharing their testimonies.


Both individuals and civil society have a responsibility and an opportunity to participate in democracy and shape the direction of our community. This goes beyond just voting. Decisions are made by those who show up. ‘Politics is too important to leave to politicians’. This election is undecided, and this assembly will be a key moment in the election cycle just weeks out from the election.

Organisational Dignity

Your organisation is part of the Sydney Alliance, with a long history of making improvements to the public life of Sydney and NSW. Come wearing your organisational T-shirt, polo, or headwear. An assembly demonstrates the kind of community we want to live in – one that is united in its celebration of diversity and cooperation. Individuals of course are welcome too!

Since COVID lockdowns our organisations are rebuilding the commitment and visibility of their membership. An assembly is a great way to do this!


The Sydney Alliance and your organisation have been chipping away at these issues for many years; for some issues, the last decade. Change doesn’t happen overnight and finally after years of work; we are seeing politicians ready to shift. With a potential change of government (or even just cabinet) there are opportunities to see a fairer deal for renters, workers, and low-income households; and a stronger commitment to fixing the climate crisis.

The Alliance is built for persistent, consistent work. As fads come and go, the Alliance chips away on the issues that matter to families. If you’ve been to an Alliance assembly before, please do join us again – as we build the momentum needed for change.

FAQ: But isn’t politics boring? And aren’t treasurers the most boring politicians?

You won’t be bored at this assembly! What will happen on stage will be electrifying. Its one of those rare chances ‘to be in the room where it happens’. Real commitments to change the direction on housing, energy, climate, and cost of living in NSW. The Treasurer and Shadow Treasurer are also top leaders in their government. As the chair of the ’Expenditure Review Committee’ the treasurer of the next government will decide exactly how much goes to each department and for what. While the Leaders might be in the media every day, the Treasurer is the decision maker. Not only that, if the Coalition win, their party has a habit of making their treasurer the next premier.

Anyone who participated in the 2021 and 2022 assemblies with Matt Kean or meetings with Daniel Mookhey know that it will be anything but boring.  There will be stories, moments of constructive tension, and a vibrant representation of our communities.

Getting there:

Train: Westmead Train Station is a major hub, a short 30 minute trip from Central.

Parking: details overleaf.

Coaches: we are exploring chartering coaches from parts of Sydney not on the Western trainline. Depending on take-up, we may charter buses (at $20-30 a head donation) from Bondi, Hornsby and Engadine/


Park via gate 3 opposite Westmead private hospital: see below mark up

Note: peak hour traffic will be an issue on Tuesday 28th February, please leave enough time to arrive between 5:30pm-6:15pm. 


The Sydney Alliance is looking into organising food trucks to be present during 5:30pm-6:15pm. More details to follow

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