Nozaina: Meat is a complete protein food that contains all the essential amino acids necessary for the human body. It also provides numerous micronutrients. Moderate consumption of complete and well-varied diets has many health benefits. Dietary iron is found in two forms non-heme and heme iron. Heme iron of red meat is tenfold greater than white meat. Myoglobin and hemoglobin iron are abundant in red meat in the form of ferric iron, which has strong oxidative properties. Red meat is a source of essential minerals and vitamins that perform various functions. Heme iron is related to cognitive functioning and development in young adults and children. Meat is a natural source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 decreases the probability of megaloblastic anemia. Its deficiency is related to irreversible neurological disease. Red meat contains zinc which strengthens the immune system and helps in bone production, cell replication, and growth. Selenium, niacin, phosphorous, riboflavin, and vitamin B6 are also found in meat.

Methods of Preservation of Meat:

As we know, meat is an essential source of protein and a part of a balanced diet. We should not depend entirely on meat for protein. Pulses, fruits, and vegetables are also great protein sources. On Eid-ul-Adha the consumption of meat increase, that’s why its proper use and preservation is necessary. The raw meat must be light red or pink and soft to the touch, such meat will not lose moisture easily. Pale, deep red meat is not considered healthy, such meat spoiled soon. The liver of an animal must be cooked and eaten quickly after the animal is butchered. Meat can spoil quickly, so you should have to use it in three hours. It must be stored to avoid spoiling. The moisture content of meat is 75%. Pulses and cereals contain 10-15% moisture. Water is the main breeding site for microorganisms. Water needs to be removed to store meat for a long time. You can sundry the meat, store it in a freezer or dry it on a stove for this purpose. During sundry make sure it is free from dust, insects, or flies. Cover the meat with a thin cloth, then hold the meat for up to three to four hours in the bright sun. This makes protein coating in meat and the meat stays healthy.

You can sprinkle citrus juice, salt, or vinegar on meat before sun drying because germs do not breed on acid-based substances. Freezing is a safer way to preserve meat for a long time because germ growth slows down in a frozen condition. If the freezer does not open regularly and there is no issue of electricity, then you can store meat for about six months. If meat releases and ice begin to melt, then germs will continue to flourish. This type of meat should be consumed as quickly as possible. Once you remove the meat from the fridge, it cannot be stored again. You can use a small plastic container or butter paper to save meat. Do not use newspaper sheet for this purpose because the print used on newspaper include very harmful lead.

Side Effects of Eating Too Much Meat:

Over-consumption of meat is associated with negative health outcomes. Meat has a high-fat content. A high intake of meat in the diet is bad for health. Healthy people can use 70-gram meat in their diet, but it can cause problems for heart patients. Use meat in moderation, when you use meat consistently for two days, then use vegetables and fruits as well to keep your diet healthy. Excessive meat consumption can cause serious problems such as hypertension, CVD, liver damage, swelling of gums, obesity, and kidney problems.


As we all know that Eid-ul-Adha is sacrificing animals for Allah, following the teaching of Sunnat-e-Ibrahimi and Islam. It is also very important for all of us to take care of our health while eating meat. Here are some tips to stay healthy this Eid while eating meat to keep calm overall health and stomach.

Eid is all about having a meal and sharing it with those who cannot be a part of the sacrificial activity and with your loved ones. There is nothing wrong with eating meat, but it’s important to keep it within a limit. You can eat meat but do not overeat, because it can make problems with the stomach. If you overeat, you make trouble with your stomach and regretting about staying sick throughout Eid.

Green tea is an amazing option over soft drinks. Make it your routine to have a hot cup of green tea after every meal or at least two times a day. Green tea helps in burning calories and fats. It will help to get rid of extra fat from your body and will help in better digestion. You can add some drops of lemon in green tea to make it a metabolism booster which helps in maintaining your health.

Avoid soft drinks because they have temporary relieving effects and many problems with your health. It is always better to take green tea for feeling light after having a meal. Soft drinks are not a good option. It is better to compromise on these drinks than on your health.

Eat and walk. Make sure to go for a walk during Eid days after every meal, even if you do not get time for a walk in routine. Walk after every meal, burn fat properly, and make your stomach digest food properly. If you sit all day after having a meal, there are many chances of health trouble.

Remember when you eat meaty dishes on Eid, take at least 6 hours of break between meals. Try to know that when you are having a hungry feeling. Sometimes it happens that you start craving anything even if it’s only two hours since you have taken your proper meaty lunch. Try to meet the time target and divert your attention to keep your stomach working properly. Do not rush to eat. Proper chewing and slow eating help in better digestion and keep your stomach and overall health good. These tips will help you to stay healthy and will make you have better health in the long run.


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