Fostering International Relations: MUSIAD Delegation’s Impactful Visit to Australia


Reflecting on a Pivotal Cross-Continental Interaction.


Suprovat Sydney:vIn our interconnected global landscape, the importance of building strong international relations cannot be overstated. The recent visit of a distinguished delegation from the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD) in Turkey to Australia represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of robust global ties. MUSIAD, established in Istanbul in 1990, has long been a pivotal force in promoting economic and trade activities, not only within Turkey but also on an international stage.

Meet the Delegates:

Mahmut Asmalı: The President

*Born in 1967 in Rize’s Pazar district, Mahmut Asmalı has an impressive career in construction and foreign trade. He is the President of MUSIAD, with experience in various sectors from construction to PVC production in Qatar. Mr. Asmalı is known for his active role in NGOs and social responsibility activities.

Selim Sar: Chairman of the Overseas Organisational Commission

*Born in Samsun in 1983, Selim Sar holds a master’s degree in International Management from the University of Birmingham, England. His expertise lies in enhancing production efficiency and the adaptation of quality systems in the plastics and packaging industry. Apart from his professional career, he’s engaged in social activities and NGOs.

The delegation successfully returned to Istanbul on Thursday, October 26, marking the culmination of their visit. This delegation’s visit was more than just a diplomatic formality; it was a multifaceted endeavour with a myriad of objectives. The central theme of this interaction was to fortify economic, cultural, and trade relations between Turkey and Australia. The visit revolved around several pivotal objectives:

  • Exploring Bilateral Trade:

*The primary goal was to foster stronger trade relationships between Turkey and Australia, identifying potential trade opportunities, and boosting economic ties.

  • Networking:

*The delegation enthusiastically engaged with Australian businesses and entrepreneurs, building partnerships and exploring collaboration prospects. Networking events played a pivotal role, providing a platform for creating lasting business connections.

  • Business Expansion:

*An essential objective was to assist MUSIAD members in Turkey in expanding their operations and investments in Australia. This objective is crucial in promoting global economic growth and facilitating investment opportunities.

  • Cultural Exchange:

*The visit placed a strong emphasis on promoting cultural understanding and exchange between the two nations. Understanding and appreciating each other’s cultures are fundamental to building strong international relationships.

  • Knowledge Sharing:

*Insights and best practices in various industries were shared during the delegation’s visit, promoting mutual growth. Knowledge-sharing is a cornerstone of international business cooperation.

  • Trade Promotion:

*Several events and meetings were organized to showcase the capabilities of Turkish businesses to the Australian market. These events served as a bridge between businesses in both nations.

  • Market Research:

*The delegation conducted research to understand the dynamics and trends in the Australian market. This information is crucial for businesses looking to expand their operations.

  • Policy Advocacy:

*Advocating for policies that facilitate trade and investment between Turkiye and Australia was a significant part of the agenda. Advocacy is vital for creating a conducive environment for international business.

  • Community Building:

*Strengthening the MUSIAD network in Australia was a priority. A sense of community among members is essential for the success of any organisation, and this visit aimed to foster just that.

  • Collaborative Initiatives:

*The delegation explored opportunities for joint ventures and projects that benefit both nations. Collaborative initiatives have the potential to significantly enhance economic ties.

A wide range of activities was designed during the delegation’s visit. These included member visits, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Australia Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Annual General Meeting (AGM), and a networking boat trip. Each of these activities contributed to the achievement of the delegation’s objectives.

In conclusion, the MUSIAD delegation’s visit to Australia signifies the commitment to strengthen economic ties, promote cultural exchange, and create lasting business connections. The signing of an MOU between AACCI and MUSIAD presents a promising future for enhanced global trade, networking, and educational opportunities, ultimately leading to economic growth and prosperity for both organisations. This visit, marked by ambition and cooperation, underscores the power of international relations and the importance of global connections in the modern world.

During their visit, the delegation met with the Turkish Ambassador to Australia H.E Mr Ufuk Gezer, and the Turkish Consul, Mr Ali Selim. These interactions aimed to strengthen diplomatic and trade relations between Turkey and Australia.

The delegation’s visit marked a milestone in fostering international collaboration, creating enduring business connections, and promoting cultural exchange between Turkey and Australia. Md Abdullah Yousuf & ANM Masum participated from the only Bangladeshi Community Newspaper-Media group.



















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