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Dawa Tabligh Melbourne (Australian) Gathering 2024

  Suprovat Sydney Istima reporter: The venue for the Ijtima in Melbourne was located at Darul Ulum College of Victoria. The noble legacy of Hazrat Mohammad SA the epitome of creation, continues its global journey, making remarkable strides across continents. Our esteemed elders are traversing the globe—from the Americas to Europe, Africa to the Arab


Suprovat Sydney Istima reporter: The venue for the Ijtima in Melbourne was located at Darul Ulum College of Victoria. The noble legacy of Hazrat Mohammad SA the epitome of creation, continues its global journey, making remarkable strides across continents. Our esteemed elders are traversing the globe—from the Americas to Europe, Africa to the Arab nations—hosting impressive gatherings that underscore the Ummah’s steadfast embrace of the authentic leadership of this noble endeavor.

Before tossing around the term “Bidah,” it’s essential to appreciate the successes, endeavors, and constructive contributions of Tabligh-e-Jamaat to our Ummah. We won’t delve into the origins of Tablighi-e-Jamaat or its scriptural basis here. If you have criticisms, kindly withhold them for this discussion.

In essence, Tablighi-e-Jamaat typically involves brothers (although sisters may participate in separate congregations) dedicating time in a mosque. This duration can vary from 3 days (usually over a weekend), 40 days, 4 months, to a year or longer, depending on individual preference. During their stay, participants engage in Dhikr (remembrance of Allah), Dawah (invitation to Islam), Ta’leem (enhancing knowledge through study, correcting Quranic recitation, and improving prayer), and Khidmah (serving others through tasks like cooking and cleaning).

The primary objective of Tablighi-e-Jamaat is self-rectification, primarily for those “embarking on the path of Allah,” aiming to return to their lives as better Muslims. Additionally, it serves as a platform for Dawah, inviting Muslims to the mosque and guiding them towards the righteous path.

For further details on their activities and how to participate, feel free to reach out to us through Mbl: 0423 031 546 or leave a comment below. We’ll endeavour to assist you, in sha Allah.

The Tablighi-e-Jamaat is a longstanding movement, dating back to the 1920s, and has steadily grown and expanded over the decades.

Although no official count exists, the Pew Research Centre’s Religion and Public Life project estimates their numbers to range from 80 million, distributed across over 200 countries.

While only Almighty Allah truly knows the reliability of these sources, the figures nonetheless demonstrate a significant number of countries worldwide accepting and embracing this noble endeavour.

Among the most prominent countries where Tablighi-e-Jamaat operates are Australia, the UK, the USA, Canada, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.

Moreover, the Tablighi-e-Jamaat extends its reach to various European nations, including France and Italy, as well as diverse regions across Africa and Russia. These journeys often entail longer durations, such as 4 months or 40 days.

However, due to work commitments and a preference for their own comfort, many individuals involved in Tablighi-e-Jamaat opt for the 3-day monthly commitment. This typically entails staying over in neighbouring towns for the weekend, offering valuable benefits despite its shorter duration.

Let’s explore some of the benefits that can be gained from accompanying Tablighi-e-Jamaat and spending time with them. Insha’Allah, this will inspire you to “make an intention,” a phrase commonly echoed among the brothers in Tablighi-e-Jamaat, to join them soon. If not that, at least it will help you recognize the goodness it can bring.

Gain insight into fostering discipline in our lives – a hallmark of Tablighi-e-Jamaat is the structured daily schedule, allowing for the utilization of each 24-hour period in a productive manner. Reflecting on our past, we might find few instances where we spent our days obedient to Almighty Allah, following the Sunnah, and seeking knowledge.

Therefore, if you struggle with procrastination and time-wasting (as many of us do), participating in Tablighi-e-Jamaat can serve as a powerful tool to overcome these habits and instil discipline in our lives. For instance, within Tablighi-e-Jamaat, you commit to praying all your Salaah with the congregation, a practice that many of us lack the discipline to maintain, such as attending the Masjid for all five daily prayers.

Moreover, being in the Masjid during Tablighi-e-Jamaat helps you avoid other distractions, thereby enhancing your discipline, Insha’Allah. For instance, instead of succumbing to distractions like laptops, TVs, phones, or gaming consoles, you can focus solely on the remembrance of Almighty Allah and immerse yourself in His Glorious revelation, free from external diversions.

For those who struggle to leave the warmth of their duvet at Fajr time, Tablighi-e-Jamaat offers a solution by collectively rising and preparing for Salaah. This communal effort ensures you catch the Salaah on time with the congregation. Insha’Allah, with consistent involvement in Tablighi-e-Jamaat, you can train your body to adapt to waking up for Fajr Salaah, fostering the much-needed discipline.

Lastly, time outside of Salaah is allocated for engaging in Dhikr, acquiring knowledge, and participating in Dawah, all of which are highly virtuous endeavors. It is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “No group gathers to remember Allah, the Mighty and Exalted, without being surrounded by angels, covered in mercy, filled with tranquillity, and mentioned by Allah among those in His presence.” (Muslim).

Divine wisdom has entrusted our true prosperity, both in this life and the hereafter, to the embrace of Deen. As long as the light of Deen illuminates this world, the mercy of Allah will preserve it from destruction. To nurture and uphold Deen’s essence, Allah has graced humanity with successive generations of Ambiya—sent to bustling cities, serene suburbs, and even to the most remote tribes and families. Their guidance serves as a beacon, guiding us toward righteousness and fulfilment

The final Prophet, Muhammad (SAW), entrusted all his revered companions, the Sahaba (RA), with the noble task of spreading Da’wa. Through their relentless efforts, the message of Deen flourished across the globe once more. Every single Prophet, chosen by Allah, tirelessly propagated the call of ‘La ilaha illallah’ (There is no deity but Allah). Their sacred mission resonates through time, as each Prophet beckoned humanity towards the divine presence of Allah SWT

Addressing the Sahaba (RA), Prophet Muhammad (SAW) emphasized the importance of conveying even a single Ayah to others, discouraging innovation. This profound directive underscores the simplicity and universality of the message, urging all believers to share the wisdom they possess with sincerity and diligence.

The Holy Quran repeatedly emphasizes the significance of Da’wa Illallah, the call to Allah. Allah SWT highlights the excellence of those who invite others to His path. This underscores the foundational importance of Da’wa, which predates even the acts of Hajj, Salah, Zakat, or any other righteous deed, marking it as the primordial obligation of believers.

Following the departure of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), no new Prophets or Messengers will arise, but humanity will persist. It is incumbent upon us to continually remind and guide others, calling them towards Allah SWT. Often, these reminders serve as a lifeline, rescuing individuals from the depths of arrogance, violence, immorality, and heedlessness. The transformative power of returning to the path of Allah, emulating the exemplary conduct of the Sahaba (RA), cannot be overstated. Through sincere devotion and adherence to Islamic principles, individuals undergo a profound metamorphosis, shedding their negative traits to become beloved servants of Allah, embodying the essence of piety and righteousness.

There exists no nobler pursuit than the propagation of Da’wa Illallah. Had there been a more virtuous deed, Allah SWT would have commanded the Prophets to prioritize it. Da’wa stands as the cornerstone of Islam, essential for its vitality and dissemination. One notable expression of this commitment is the annual congregation known as the Istima or Ijtema, held in Tongi, Bangladesh, drawing millions from across the globe. This monumental gathering epitomizes the collective dedication of countless individuals to the cause of spreading the message of Islam far and wide.

Da’wa is an undeniable truth (Haqq); to reject it is tantamount to denying the sanctity of the Holy Quran itself. Denying the Quran leads one outside the fold of Islam. Therefore, Da’wa holds paramount importance in the life of every Muslim, regardless of their comprehension, as it stands as a pillar of faith that cannot be ignored.

On the 7th of June 2024, following the Asar salah, the momentous Istima commenced in Melbourne, Victoria. Esteemed scholars, renowned Ulama, and revered Mashayek convened for this enlightening three-day event. The Istima concluded on the 10th of June 2024, culminating with a heartfelt Du’wa after the Bayan. Subsequently, around 40 Jamat embarked on a journey spanning 40 days and 4 months, dedicated to promoting goodness and discouraging evil.

The aspiration of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was for Deen to permeate every individual’s life, leading them towards guidance and ultimately, entry into Jannah. This profound concern was deeply embedded within the hearts of the Sahaba (RA), as they inherited and upheld the noble mission of the final Prophet, ensuring that the light of guidance reached every corner of society.

Following in the footsteps of the Sahaba (RA), the Da’wa Tabligh movement continues to echo the same fervent concern and resolve. Spanning across approximately 200 countries worldwide, gatherings known as Istima are being held. Teams of dedicated individuals, known as Jamat, traverse regions, tirelessly spreading the message of Islam

At the Melbourne Istima, distinguished Ulama and Mashayek from three prominent Da’wa Illallah center in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India convened. Engaging in extensive discussions and Mujakara, they shared insights on enhancing Eman (faith) and A’mal (deeds). Additionally, they established ten new Shuras in Melbourne, aimed at streamlining Da’wa efforts. With optimism and trust, we pray that these newly formed Shuras will effectively serve humanity under the guidance of Allah SWT.


On Monday, the 10th of June 2024, after the Fajr prayer, a serene gathering ensued, culminating in heartfelt Du’wa. Thousands of individuals convened peacefully, devoid of any hierarchical distinctions such as presidents or general secretaries.


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