Suprovat Sydney at Glance 

  • As the only Bengali/Bangla newspaper in Australia, we have been assigned an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
    by the State Library of NSW.
  • We have a large following on social media with over 63,000 followers in various social media platforms as the only
    community newspaper in Australia, and our audience is continually growing.”
  • Suprovat Sydney is the only Bangladeshi community newspaper that only publishes original content, making it a trustworthy
    and reliable source within the community.
  • Suprovat Sydney is the only Bengali newspaper in Australia that publishes only original, authentic and exclusive investigative
  • As the only Bangladeshi community newspaper, we work closely with local and national politicians, law enforcement,
    government agencies, and other organisations to better serve our community and provide them with the most accurate and
    comprehensive news and services.
  • We have a regularly updated and popular website ( with a high Alexa ranking and it receives
    daily traffic in the thousands. Additionally, we are the only Bengali community newspaper with a presence on both Android
    and Apple app stores.
  • Suprovat Sydney is distributed to over a hundred stores and locations across various states, including Canberra, Albury,
    Rockhampton, Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territories, South Australia and New South Wales every month.
  • As the only community newspaper in Bengali, we offer a wide range of free and voluntary services and assistance to anyone
    in need, particularly migrants and underprivileged individuals.
  • We act as a media partner for a variety of community and national events, including participating in the observance of ‘White
    Ribbon Day’, Australia’s largest campaign to end violence against women.
    Suprovat Sydney, which originally targets the Bengali-speaking community in Australia, reaches a diverse audience through
    its multicultural advertisements in various languages, including but not limited to Indian, Pakistani, Burmese, Arab, and
    Korean communities.
  • We also have a presence on various platforms, such as YouTube, SStv Australia news channel, Twitter, Instagram, etc., for
    our community.
  • As the only community newspaper in Australia, we have successfully completed an online media training program with the
    support of the Australian Government, where representatives from 43 countries have received certificates upon completion
    of the entire course.
  • Suprovat Sydney is the only Bangladeshi community newspaper in Australia working closely with many refugees. We have
    organised multiple demonstrations to advocate for their rights and held seminars in collaboration with them and RACS
    (Refugee Advice and Casework Service).
  • As the only Bangladeshi newspaper in Australia, we have published four sets of books within the first five years and 15 years
    of our existence.
  • These are just a few of the many features that Suprovat Sydney offers to support your organisation, business, enterprise,
    campaign and more. We also provide affordable and popular Facebook promotions in addition to published advertisements. If
    you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 0423 031 546 or