Suprovat Sydney Report: The Australian Business Summit Council Inc. hosted an exclusive Annual Gala Dinner to launch the fourth issue of its official business affairs magazine, EKONOMOS, at Le Montage, Lilyfield on 4thMay 2023.
Two hundred VIPs and guests attended the lavish three-course banquet event in the Deanah’s room of this magnificent five-star reception venue, neatlysituated in the vivid, picturesque setting of the inner-west of Sydney, New South Wales, for theofficial celebration of the Council’snotableachievements.
ABSC Inc. president Dr.Frank Alafaci welcomed the list of star-studded attendees to the Council’s signature event, featuring H.E. Mr. Maximo Gowland, Ambassador of Argentina; H.E. Dr. Ali Kraishan, Ambassador of Jordan; H.E. Ms.WassaneZailachi, Ambassador of Morocco; H.E. Mr.DavaasurenDamdinsuren, Ambassador of Mongolia; H.E. Mr. Ronald Recinos, Ambassador of Guatemala; H.E. Mr. Manpreet Vohra, High Commissioner of India; H.E. Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri, High Commissioner of Pakistan; H.E. Mr. David Kolitagane, High Commissioner of Fiji; H.E. Mr. John Ma’o Kali, High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea; H.E. Ms. Dorcas KobelaMakgato, High Commissioner of Botswana;Ms. Diana Carvajal Toscano, Charge’ d’Affaires of the Embassy of Colombia; Mr.MunkhbayarErdenejav, Second Secretary, Embassy of Mongolia; H.E. Ms. Rebeca Guinea, Consul General of Spain; H.E. Mr. Andre’ Francois Giroux, Consul General of Canada; H.E. Mr. Mohamed Khalil Morsi, Consul General of Egypt; H.E. Mr.VediKurniaBuana, Consul General of Indonesia; H.E. Mr. Muhammad Ashraf, Consul General of Pakistan; H.E. Mr. Carlos Marin, Consul General of Chile; H.E. Mrs.Silvina Laura Aguirre, Consul General of Argentina; H.E. Mr. Jose’ Vasquez Rivas, Consul General of El Salvador; H.E. Mr. Antonio Gelonesi, Consul General of Namibia; H.E. Mr. Amir Sahinovic, Consul General of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ms. Fiona Fan, Director General, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office; Mr.HaryoSedewo, Director, Indonesian Investment Promotion Centre; Ms. Epi ZatiRuwita, Deputy Director, Indonesian Investment Promotion Centre; Ms.ChrysaProkopaki, Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Greece; Mr. Mario Vargas, Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Peru; Senator Ms. Hollie Hughes, Shadow Federal Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy; Hon. Ms. Stephanie Di Pasqua MP, NSW Member for Drummoyne; Dr. Joseph Rizk AM, CEO / Managing Director, Arab Bank Australia Ltd; Mr. Wally Mehanna, CEO / Board Member, Canterbury Bankstown Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Muhammad Asif, President, Australia Pakistan Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Michael Rizk OAM, Head of Trade Relations, Australian Lebanese Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Hasan Gencturk, President, MUSIAD Sydney / CEO, Revive Technologies International; Dr.RatebJneid, President, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils; Mr. Amir Salem OAM, President, Australian Egyptian Forum Council; Mr. William Chan, Councillor, City of Sydney Council; and Mr. Michael Megna, Councillor, City of Canada Bay Council.
As the president of the Australian Business Summit Council Inc. since its emergence as a not-for-profit association in late 2018, Dr Alafacicommended the Council’stireless, steadfast efforts through its high-profile, energetic and visionary directors as an intellectual vehicle for informed debates and discussions on promoting effective business policies and practices that stimulate a vibrant, sustainable, and competitive economic environment where Australian businesses are able to expand, seek out new and unprecedented opportunities, and improve their stature, recognition and long-term profitability.
Amidst the diplomatic officials, business and political leaders, and community representatives who had gathered for the occasion, H.E. Ms.WassaneWailachi, the Ambassador of Moroccoaddressed the audience with her keynote speechaboutthe benefits of Morocco as the so-called gateway to Africa, pointing out the immense business, trade and investment opportunities for Australian businesses, especially in the agri-food, energy, water management, irrigation and mining sectors.H.E. Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri, the High Commissioner of Pakistan, gave an eloquent address on Pakistan as an emerging economy that offers ample possibilities for Australian investors in several areas, including renewable energy, agriculture, infrastructure, fisheries, gems and stones, dairy, livestock, solid waste management, public health, and tourism. Finally, our own Senator Ms.Hollie Hughes, the Federal Shadow Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy, elaborated on what a future Liberal-National Party federal coalition government would do to enhance Australian business, trade and investment.
Between the formalities and light-hearted moments, the Annual Gala Dinner featured two brilliant entertainers, Mr. AlfioBonanno, anItalian-Australian two-time Emmy Award-nominated recording tenor, artist, singer, pianist, and composer dubbed the “Voice from Oz” because of his powerful voice, and the young, precociously talented violinist Mr. Yue Zheng, originally from the People’s Republic of China, who enlivened the occasion with their flawless, well-received performances.
Officially launching EKONOMOS, Issue 4, 2023, ABSC Inc. president, Dr. Frank Alafaciacknowledged the business magazine’s Gold sponsor, Alliance Project Group;Silver sponsor, Swan Wine Group; and two Bronze sponsors: the Arab Bank Australia Ltd and DRS ABCD First Aid Training, as well as complimenting the high profile article contributors who, including the ABSC Inc. president, comprise H.E. Mr. Paolo Crudele, Ambassador of Italy; H.E. Ms. Alicia Moral Revilla, Ambassador of Spain; H.E. Mr. Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio, Ambassador of Brazil; H.E. Mr. Maximo Gowland, Ambassador of Argentina; H.E. Ms.IthzelPatino de Villareal, Ambassador of Panama; H.E. Dr. Ali Kraishan, Ambassador of Jordan; H.E. Ms. WassaneZailachi, Ambassador of Morocco; H.E. Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri, High Commissioner of Pakistan; Ms. Agata Utnicka, Charge’ d’Affaires ad interim, Embassy of Poland; Ms. Diana Carvajal Toscano, Charge’ d’Affaires ad interim, Embassy of Colombia; Mr. Piers Morgan, Executive Director, Weringa Group Pty Ltd; Mr. Hasan Gencturk, President, MUSIAD Sydney / CEO, Revive Technologies International; Dr. RatebJneid, President, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils; Dr. Anthony De Francesco, Managing Director, Real investment Analytics Pty Ltd; Dr. Jaehu Shim, Visiting Professor, School of Business and Technology, KAIST; and Dr. Angus Hooke, Emeritus Professor, Finance and Entrepreneurship, University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Several article contributors present at the Annual Gala Dinner or their representatives were expressly invited to join the ABSC Inc. president on the assembled stage for the meritorious ceremonial conferral of crystal plaques in heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for their contribution to the one hundred and eighty-page fourth issue of the business affairs magazine published by the Australian Business Summit Council Inc.
ABSC Inc. president, Dr. Frank Alafaci formally concluded this exclusive Annual Gala Dinner with his acknowledgement of the support and assistance provided by the Board of Directors of the Australian Business Summit Council Inc., especially Mrs. Sylvia Alafaci, the Council’s secretary, for her incredible efforts in organizing this event, sending out most of the invitations, preparing the immaculate tablearrangements and decorations, and communicatingwithMs. Andrea Hajje and Ms. Agustina Muchaga from Le Montage’s events management team to whom the Council owes a special debt of gratitude and appreciation for their kindness, patience and professionalism.On behalf of Suprovat Sydney, Mr. ANM Masum, Suprovat Sydney’s YouTube Presenter, joined this event.