Sleep and Health

Columnist Nozaina: In our fast world, we often underestimate the value of sleep. Sleep is essential for several brain functions, such as how neurons connect. The body and brain stay active during sleep. Sleep is a basis of physical well-being, supports the immune system, and helps the body to defend against disease. Adequate and high-quality sleep is essential for good mental and physical health. The latest research reveals that 68 to 77 0F is the ideal sleep temperature among aging people. It also found that climate change could be a possible reason for sleep problems.

Good sleep habits and hygiene can lead to various health benefits:

*Good sleep habits reduce the possibility of obesity and help in healthy weight management.

*Reduce the possibility of diseases by strengthening the immune system.

*Reduce the risk of chronic diseases (diabetes & heart disease).

*Enhance problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities.

*Enhance memory and increase innovation and creativity.

*Lower the risk of mood disorders.

*Better interpersonal relationships and emotional stability.

*Enhance managing skills and stress flexibility.

*Good sleep habits promote physical repair and recovery.

*Accelerate muscle growth, and tissue repair, and improve skin health.

*It also plays a significant role in growth hormone production essential for repair and development.

*Enhance productivity and focus on daily tasks.

*Increase energy and better physical performance.

*Enhance memory and learning, such as improving the ability to adapt and learn new information and also associate with acquiring new skills and knowledge.

*Enough and good sleep reduces the levels of inflammation, which are associated with various diseases.

*It helps in weight management by balancing the hormone level responsible for fullness (leptin) and hunger (ghrelin).

*It also reduces the possibility of chronic stress by regulating the stress hormone.

*High-quality sleep improves overall health, such as improving job satisfaction, and relationships, lowering the possibility of premature death, and increasing longevity.

Chronic sleep deficiency drains your mental abilities and puts your health at risk. According to research, poor slumber is associated with several health problems from weight gain to a weak immune system. 

*Lack of sleep adversely affects the long and short-term memory.

*Your creativity, problem-solving skills, and concentration are not good enough if you do not get enough sleep.

*Being drowsy during the day can also increase the chances of car accidents.

*The risk of hypertension increases if you sleep less than 5 hours a night.

*Sleep deficiency can make you quick-tempered, moody, and emotional. It affects your mood and leads to depression.

*People who do not get enough sleep are at a greater risk of developing type-2 diabetes because lack of sleep affects the release of insulin.

*Lack of sleep increases the risk of hypertension and also increases the level of chemicals that are associated with inflammation. Both of these factors play an essential role in heart disease.

*Sleep deprivation affects the hunger hormone and increases the craving for unhealthy foods.

*Sleep deprivation affects your balance and coordination. Make you more vulnerable to falls and other physical accidents like bone fractures.

*Lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity and obesity-related complications because when you don’t sleep well the balance of chemicals that send signals to the brain that you are full gets off.

Food Promote Good Sleep:

Bananas are a good source of potassium and magnesium, which help to relax overstressed muscles making them ideal snacks before bed. They also contain tryptophan which stimulates the production of key brain calming hormones. Bananas support the natural sleep process of the body. You can take bananas as a whole or in the form of a smoothie.

Cherries are a natural source of melatonin. Melatonin helps to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. The consumption of cherries is associated with sleep quality and duration improvement.

Oats contain a significant amount of complex carbs, which gradually increase the blood sugar level and help in serotonin production. Their high fiber content keeps you feeling full at night and avoids sleep disruption due to hunger.

Almonds are a good source of magnesium, which relaxes nerves and muscles. They facilitate a deep state of relaxation. They also contain melatonin, which helps to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Almonds are a valuable count to your bedtime snack options.

Fatty fish (mackerel, trout, and salmon) provide vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which are linked with better sleep. Vitamin D helps to regulate the sleep patterns. Fatty fish are a nutritious and delicious choice for dinner.

Green leafy vegetables (kale and spinach) are rich sources of calcium. Calcium supports the brain’s use of tryptophan to produce melatonin. Melatonin promotes restful sleep. Incorporation of these nutrient-rich vegetables in the diet contributes peaceful night’s rest.

Whole grains (quinoa and rice) are rich in magnesium and relax muscles and nerves. Whole grains contain carbohydrates that provide a gradual release of energy and also prevent blood sugar spikes that may interrupt sleep.

Kiwi contains vitamin E, antioxidants, vitamin C, and serotonin. All of them are linked with improved sleep quality. Daily use of kiwi helps you fall asleep faster. You can enjoy deeper and more soothing rest.

Honey in just a small amount before bedtime helps to enjoy good sleep. It slightly raises the level of insulin and allows the tryptophan to enter in brain easily, which leads to increased production of melatonin and serotonin, promoting deep soothing rest.

Spices (nutmeg) and herbs (basil) not only promote the flavor of dishes but also offer potential sleep benefits. Nutmeg is particularly linked with improving sleep quality and inducing deep sleep.

Good quality of sleep is an essential pillar of good health. Incorporation of sleep-enhancing superfoods in daily diet can be a natural and delectable approach to improving sleep quality.

You must have to follow a few steps to improve the quality of your sleep:

*Stick to a reliable sleep routine

*Avoid caffeine before bedtime

*Maintain low temperature and low light in the bedroom

*Try to avoid overstimulating activities too close to bedtime

A combination of good sleep hygiene practice and these dietary choices, helps you to enjoy peaceful nights and wake up each morning feeling energized.



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