Suprovat Sydney report: The Australian Business Summit Council Inc. hosted its fourth annual Media Conference and Luncheon at the five-star Le Montage Reception Centre in Lilyfield, New South Wales on 13th March 2023 to announce the upcoming publication of the fourth issue of EKONOMOS, the official ABSC Inc. business affairs magazine.

More than sixty VIPs and guests attended this significant event, featuring H.E. Dr Ali Kraishan PhD (Ambassador of Jordan) and the Consuls-General of Egypt and Bangladesh, the Hon. Mr Damien Tudehope NSW MLC, and the Deputy Mayor of the City of Canada Bay and Liberal candidate for Drummoyne in the 2023 NSW state election, Ms Stephanie Di Pasqua, as well as eminent business leaders, multicultural community leaders and representative members of the multicultural press corps.

ABSC Inc. president for the fourth consecutive year, Dr Frank Alafaci PhD outlined the Council’s broad agenda to enable business leaders to network and enhance business opportunities by serving as an extensive medium for sound business policies and practices and stimulating informative debates and discussions on issues pertaining to business relationships between Australia and the international community.

Indeed, the ABSC Inc. has expanded rapidly since its establishment in late 2018 to augment its influence and pervasiveness within the business community in Australia and abroad through actively promoting business investment and innovation into high value-added and technologically advanced sectors and industries, and assisting small, medium-sized and large businesses to further multilateral business relationships within the national economy and extraterritorially through the Council’s signature events.

EKONOMOS magazine presents incisive, well-written appraisals of the current business trends and forces that impact on economic growth from authoritative expert figures in the fields of finance, trade, investment, politics, and diplomacy drawn from the Australian and international communities, including practical, comprehensive views, opinions, suggestions, and solutions for bolstering the Australian economy by strengthening commercial links and investment opportunities with our known regional trading partners and untapped extra-regional markets.

EKONOMOS, Issue 4, 2023, will comprise article contributions from seventeen prominent academics, business leaders and diplomatic officials led by Dr Frank Alafaci PhD (President, Australian Business Summit Council Inc.); H.E. Mr Paolo Crudele (Ambassador of Italy); H.E. Ms Alicia Moral Revilla (Ambassador of Spain); H.E. Mr Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio (Ambassador of Brazil); H.E. Mr Maximo Gowland (Ambassador of Argentina); H.E. Mrs Ithzel Patino de Villareal (Ambassador of Panama); H.E. Dr Ali Kraishan PhD (Ambassador of Jordan); H.E. Ms Wassane Zailachi (Ambassador of Morocco); H.E. Mr Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri (High Commissioner of Pakistan); Ms Agata Utnicka (Charge’ d’Affaires ad interim, Embassy of Poland); Ms Diana Carvajal Toscano (Charge’ d’Affaires ad interim, Embassy of Colombia); Mr Piers Morgan (Executive Director, Weringa Group Pty Ltd); Mr Hasan Gencturk (President, MUSIAD Sydney); Dr Rateb Jneid PhD (President, Australian Federation of Islamic Councils); Dr Anthony De Francesco PhD (Managing Director, Real investment Analytics Pty Ltd); Dr Jaehu Shim PhD (Adjunct Professor, School of Business and Technology, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology); and Dr Angus Hooke PhD (Emeritus Professor, Finance and Entrepreneurship, University of Nottingham Ningbo China).


nterestingly, the ABSC Inc. Media Conference and Luncheon featured keynote speeches by H. E. Dr Ali Kraishan PhD (Ambassador of Jordan) and the Hon. Mr Damien Tudehope NSW MLC, as well as an informative thirty-minute Question and Answer session on business, trade and investment chaired by the ABSC Inc. President, Dr Frank Alafaci PhD between the occasion’s VIPs and guests and an assembled panel consisting of H.E. Dr Ali Kraishan PhD (Ambassador of Jordan); the Hon. Mr Damien Tudehope NSW MLC; Dr Joseph Rizk AM D.Litt (CEO / Managing Director, Arab Bank Australia Ltd); and Dr Anthony De Francesco PhD (Managing Director, Real investment Analytics Pty Ltd).

ABSC Inc. president, Dr Frank Alafaci PhD formally concluded this annual Media Conference and Luncheon with his glowing acknowledgement of EKONOMOS, Issue 4’s sponsors: Alliance Project Group, Swan Wine Group, Arab Bank Australia Ltd and DRS ABCD First Aid Training, and heartfelt expressions of gratitude and appreciation for the unwavering support and assistance provided by the Board of Directors of the Australian Business Summit Council Inc., especially Mrs Sylvia Alafaci, the Council’s secretary, for her prodigious efforts in securing the magnificent venue for the occasion, sending out most of the invitations, organizing the beautiful table arrangements and decorations, preparing the VIP and guests’ name tags, and communicating with Le Montage’s events management team spearheaded by Ms Andrea Hajje and Mrs Agustina Muchaga.

The only Bangladesh Community Newspaper in Australia, Suprovat Sydney Editor in Chief Md Abdullah Yousuf was there to cover whole events.