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SAYF Recovery Inauguration, Sydney

Suprovat Sydney report: On Saturday 05 August 2023, the official inauguration for SAYF Recovery was held at Brighton Lakes Recreation and Golf Club in Moorebank, Sydney. SAYF Recovery is a workplace rehabilitation provider, accredited by State Insurance Regulatory Authority. They provide injury management, safety and injury prevention services all over NSW. They are a team

Suprovat Sydney report: On Saturday 05 August 2023, the official inauguration for SAYF Recovery was held at Brighton Lakes Recreation and Golf Club in Moorebank, Sydney.

SAYF Recovery is a workplace rehabilitation provider, accredited by State Insurance Regulatory Authority. They provide injury management, safety and injury prevention services all over NSW. They are a team of health professionals supporting clients with workers compensation or CTP claims through accessing treatment and supporting their return to work.

The event was attended by community dignitaries, political leaders, doctors, specialists, lawyers and leading multicultural media. Among these was the High Commissioner of Pakistan to Australia, His Excellency Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri who travelled from Canberra to Sydney in order to exclusively attend the event. Also in attendance was the Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Work, Health and Safety Honourable Sophie Cotsis MP, Member of Parliament for Liverpool Charishma Kaliyanda, Member of Parliament for Leppington Nathan Hagarty, Former Assistant President of Legislative Council Shaoquett Moselmane, President of the Australian Business Summit Council Dr Frank Alafaci, President of the Australian Pakistani Medical Association Dr Erum Bilal, President of the Council of Australia Pakistan Medical Association Dr Sayeed Khan, One of the founder of Bangladeshi medical society  on NSW Dr Moinul Islam, Stream Head eHealth Ministry of Health Dr Khurram Kayani, President Pakistan Medical Association  Dr Shahbaz Chaudhry of Melbourne and President Pakistan Australia Business Council Iftikhar Rana.

Turkish media CEO Yuksel Cifci & CEO of the only Bangladeshi Newspaper in Australia Md Abdullah Yousuf was attended on that events.

The event concluded with two speeches by occupational specialists Dr Farhan Shahzad and Dr Naresh Verma. The talks were CPD redeemable for medical practitioners within the room. Continental three course meal served immediate after speech.

SAYF Recovery is accepting referrals from doctors, employers, insurers, lawyers and direct clients with workers compensation claims. Please contact them directly to request any services.

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