Tips for Parents to Teach Healthy Eating Habits to Kids

Columnist Nozaina:  Teaching healthy eating habits to kids must be a fundamental responsibility of parents because the dietary choices that children make during their developmental years have a substantial effect on their overall well-being and health. The establishment of nutritious eating from an early age set the stage for positive health outcomes for a lifetime.

Here are some tricks and tips for parents to teach healthy eating habits to their kids.

Be a Role Model:

Parents serve as role models for kids because kids watch and pick up what they do. Children who observe their parents making healthy food choices are more likely to adopt healthy eating behavior. Show interest in consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Do not expect kids to have good eating habits, if you don’t also do yourself. Avoid negative comments about food, because it affects your child’s perception of food. Eating habits develop in childhood and continue in adulthood.

Get Them Involved in Meal Planning:

Involve your kids in meal planning and preparation because their engagement in these processes increases their interest in healthy eating. Kids may likely try and eat certain foods if they played a role in it. You may give them small tasks in the kitchen, take them to the market with you, allow them to pick a new product, and let them decide what to serve.

Don’t Force, Just Encourage:

Mostly, children do not prefer to try new food. Instead of pressuring them, use no pressure technique. You can introduce new food along with familiar ones and suggest they can take a small bite to explore the taste. Create an environment where trying new food is celebrated not forced. It’s your responsibility to decide when, where, and what you feed your child and it’s your child’s decision what they will eat and how much. This may help to take pressure off of both of you. When you do not force your child, you may see your child naturally begins to eat a thing, they may previously have refused.

Positive Food Environment:

Home environment plays an important role in shaping the eating habits of your child. Try to keep a stock of healthy foods readily visible and available. Limit the accessibility of processed foods. Make vegetables and fruits easily accessible by washing and cutting. Place them in an easily accessible position in the refrigerators.

Train About Nutritional value:

Educate your child about the nutritional value of different foods. As they grow older. Explain to them what kind of nutrients are present in food and how they support their energy levels, growth, and overall health. Use age-appropriate language to discuss the health benefits of eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and other vital nutrients.

Teach about Portion Size:

Teach your kids about portion sizes. It helps prevent overeating. You can use relevant visual cues to help them know appropriate portions, such as a tennis ball representing a serving of vegetables and fruits, a protein serving must be about the size of their palm, and a cupped hand representing the portion of grains. These practices help them to develop a sense of portion awareness.

Encourage Regular Family Meals:

Regular family meal provides an opportunity for communication, bonding, and modeling healthy eating behaviors. You can enjoy food as a unit, share stories, and discuss your day. Try to make your mealtime a positive experience by creating a relaxed environment where everyone can involve in meaningful conversation.

Cook Together:

Involve your kids in the cooking process. It empowers them with healthy life skills and increases their interest in healthy eating. Choose simple recipes that align with their age, let them mix ingredients, wash vegetables, and engage in age-appropriate cooking tasks under your supervision.

Avoid Battle Over Food:

Food may become a source of conflict. Some parents bribing their kids so they eat healthy food in front of them. Let them decide what they want to eat, but also limit the availability of different foods at home. Do not force your kids to clean their plates because it teaches kids to override the feeling of fullness. Try to establish an expected schedule of snacks and meals. Never use dessert as a reward for eating a meal. When you want to show love give them some time, praise, and love, don’t use food as a way of showing love.

Creative Presentation:

Use creative presentation to make food appealing for kids. You can create smiley faces with food, arrange vegetables and fruits in colorful patterns, or change sandwiches into fun shapes. The creative presentation encourages kids to eat a variety of food and make mealtime more enjoyable.

Stay Hydrated:

Limit the use of sugary drinks (synthetic fruit juices and soda) that contributes to excess intake of sugar. Encourage water as the first beverage choice.

Be Patient:

It takes a lot of patience and time to change the eating habits. Be supportive and understanding as kids navigate their food preferences. If they resist certain foods, do not frustrate. Continue to offer a variety of healthy food and remain patient.

Celebrate your Child’s Achievements:

Celebrate and acknowledge your child’s achievement and efforts in making healthy food choices. Praise their commitment to building healthy eating habits, their willingness to try new foods, and their balanced meal section. Positive support encourages them to continue making healthy choices in a long way.

Teaching healthy eating habits to kids requires a positive approach, patience, and consistency. By educating them about nutrition, being a role model, involving them in the meal preparation and planning process, creating a supportive food environment, using creative food presentation, by regular family meals, parents can successfully guide their kids towards healthy eating habits. By cultivating healthy eating habits at an early age, they can lay a strong base for their kid’s mental and physical well-being in the years to come. Remember that each kid’s journey is unique. It is important to adapt those strategies that suit their developmental stages and preference.



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