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Divine Trials Surrendering to the Almighty (SWT)

    Md Abdullah Yousuf (Editor in Chief): Life is a journey of peaks and valleys, where trials can often feel relentless. Throughout the Quran, Allah speaks of the diverse tests we will encounter, yet He also offers us guidance and support to navigate through these challenging moments. This question resonates deeply with Muslims and



Md Abdullah Yousuf (Editor in Chief): Life is a journey of peaks and valleys, where trials can often feel relentless. Throughout the Quran, Allah speaks of the diverse tests we will encounter, yet He also offers us guidance and support to navigate through these challenging moments.

This question resonates deeply with Muslims and individuals of various faiths or no faith at all, underscoring its significance. The absence of satisfactory answers can sometimes lead to a sense of alienation from one’s faith—when the purpose behind trials remains obscure, life might appear unjust, and doubts about divine fairness can arise. However, Allah, the Just (Al-Adl) and the Most Merciful (Ar-Rahman), never wills harm upon His servants; His intentions are always rooted in our ultimate welfare. The Quran and Hadith offer abundant evidence to shed light on the purpose behind our trials.

Every trial holds a purpose, reflecting our internal state and our connection with Allah (swt). With 99 Beautiful Names, Allah (swt) embodies the Most Merciful, the Most Just, and the Most Wise. Remember, your test is not imposed by a random force, but by the Almighty Allah SWT, who is intimately close to us, closer than our jugular vein.

Allah SWT has tested people throughout history in diverse manners, and this divine examination continues. These tests are elucidated in the Quran, as conveyed to us by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Occasionally, life presents us with trials and losses as a consequence of our transgressions. It is through these hardships that Allah, in His mercy, purifies us from our sins in this worldly realm.

Tests serve as a means of purification for us. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, ‘No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah SWT expiates some of his sins for that.’ [Bukhari].

Our ultimate aspiration is to attain Allah’s pleasure and Paradise, yet we often fall short in our worship. Many of us neglect seeking forgiveness regularly or fail to reflect on our spiritual state and return to Allah SWT. Despite their weight, these tests alleviate our burdens on the Day of Judgment if we respond with patience.

Many religions teach that trials and hardships are punishments from God, suggesting that experiences like illness or financial loss indicate divine disapproval.

However, Islam presents a different perspective. There is no direct correlation between our circumstances and Allah’s attitude towards us. For instance, losing a job doesn’t imply divine anger, nor does receiving a promotion indicate divine pleasure. Instead, Allah places us in these situations to observe our reactions and responses.

Narrated by ‘Ayesha RA (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “No affliction strikes a believer except that Allah SWT expiates some of their sins through it, even if it were as minor as the prick of a thorn.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 70, Hadith #544)/

Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “No fatigue, illness, sorrow, grief, harm, or distress afflicts a Muslim, even to the extent of a prick from a thorn, except that Allah expiates some of their sins because of it.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 70, Hadith #545).

Expiating sins in this world is a mercy from Allah, far lighter than the consequences in the Hereafter. It’s a concealed blessing, sparing us from the weighty burden of those sins in the afterlife.

The holy Quran not only guides us through life’s trials but also promises rewards for those who navigate them faithfully. It reminds us: ‘Surely, We will test you with fear, hunger, and loss of wealth, lives, and fruits. But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere; those who, when afflicted with calamity, say: ‘Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance. – [Quran 2:155-157]

In times of hardship, patience is our virtue, for we must always remember that Allah, the Creator of all, awaits our return. Every action, no matter how small, is accounted for by Him, ensuring reward for every goodness we sow. Trials, as narrated by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), can indeed be manifestations of Allah’s benevolence. Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, ‘When Allah intends good for someone, He subjects them to trials.’ (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 70, Hadith #548).

Adversity often serves as a catalyst for spiritual growth, guiding individuals toward the path of righteousness. Through trials, individuals can evolve into better Muslims. By exercising patience, maintaining remembrance of Allah, and seeking His guidance exclusively during such periods, we can achieve His forgiveness and reap His rewards.

Allah SWT, in His wisdom, tests humanity through various means, encompassing both adversity and prosperity. A person living in luxury is examined regarding their generosity and gratitude towards Allah SWT for His blessings. Conversely, those longing for what they lack or cannot attain face their own trials. How individuals navigate these tests defines their character. Do they remain steadfast in the path of Allah, or do they stray in pursuit of worldly gains?

Every soul shall taste death, and we test you with adversity and prosperity as a trial. Unto us is your return.” (Quran 21:35)

The holy Quran emphasizes that during times of hardship, patience, remembrance of Allah, and adherence to His lawful commands are paramount.

Indeed, you will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will certainly hear much abuse from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allah. But if you are patient and fear Allah – indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination.” (Quran 3:186).

It’s essential to remember that every individual undergoes trials. Merely professing belief does not exempt one from worldly tests, as stated clearly in the Quran: ‘Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: “We believe,” and will not be tested?'” (Quran 29:2).

It’s important not to perceive oneself as uniquely burdened or singled out by Allah’s displeasure during challenging times. Every individual encounters difficulties within their own capacity. Indeed, Allah is just and does not impose on any soul a burden beyond its capability: Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” (Quran 2:286).

This world serves as a realm of trials, and it’s incumbent upon us not to deny or evade these tests but to confront them with resilience and determination. Hardships may befall us for various reasons, often unknown to us during moments of loss. However, our response should always entail remembrance of Allah, patience, adherence to what is lawful, charity, and supplication for His assistance during difficult times. Should we falter in these duties, we must turn to Allah, seeking His forgiveness. Allah is Most Merciful, and it is hopeful that He will pardon our transgressions.

Our very purpose of existence is to worship Allah SWT. Through tests, Allah purifies us, cleansing away our sins. Sometimes, a test serves as a shield from a greater calamity. These trials are meant to fortify our faith (Iman). It’s a sign of Allah’s love that He tests those He cares for.

It’s true that Allah SWT tests those whom He loves deeply. Prophets AS, being closest to Him, often endured exceptionally challenging lives.

However, it’s essential not to perceive every difficulty as a test, nor every ease as a blessing. Allah SWT may test us with both ease and hardship.

In times of trial, practice patience and reflect on the blessings that Allah SWT intends to bestow upon you through adversity. With the right perspective, even the most arduous situations can reveal themselves as gifts from Allah SWT.

It’s evident that life is fraught with trials, tribulations, and tests, and every believer will encounter their fair share. These trials may manifest within oneself, in one’s wealth, or through loved ones. These predetermined challenges, ordained by the All-Wise, come in various forms and intensities. Without a proper understanding of the nature of testing, believers may fall into serious errors, especially given the profound and often painful nature of some trials.

Therefore, it’s crucial to comprehend this concept, fortify our faith, and grasp the wisdom behind it. Many people overlook the wisdoms inherent in trials and testing, failing to realize that Allah SWT tests us not as punishment but as a form of mercy. Believers should approach the concept of testing through the lens of textual evidence from the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), enabling them to stand on solid ground regarding these matters.

The Prophet SA (peace be upon him) said, ‘The magnitude of the reward corresponds to the magnitude of the trial. If Allah SWT loves a people, He tests them; whoever is content shall find contentment, and whoever is discontent shall find discontent.’ [Tirmidhi]

Allah’s SWT tests are meant to refine and strengthen us as Muslims. Every successful overcoming of a trial transforms us, imbuing us with greater resilience, deeper faith in Allah SWT, and heightened hope for success. As Allah SWT has said, ‘No affliction befalls, but by the leave of Allah, and whoever believes in Allah SWT, He guides his heart. And Allah is the Knower of all things.’ (Quran 64:11).

When faced with adversity, recite the words of the Prophet SAS:

‘Inna-lillahi wa’inna ilayhi raji’un. Allahumma-juri fi museebati wa akhlif li khairan minha’

We belong to Allah SWT and to Him we shall return. O Allah! Ease my hardship and grant me something better in return.’ [Muslim].


It’s essential to recognize that without the trials and challenges of this world, individuals might succumb to arrogance, self-admiration, and a callous attitude, akin to the Pharaoh’s, ultimately leading to their downfall in this life and the Hereafter.

May we aspire to cultivate humility, praising and thanking Allah SWT for His blessings, while nurturing tender-heartedness and kindness towards others.







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